5 Step-By-Step Yoga Asanas For Beginners In Couples Yoga


1. Double Dancer Pose (Nataraja Asana)

1. Start by facing your partner a little less than the distance apart from the mat. 2. You can have the same front leg or legs in opposition – it doesn’t matter. 3. Extend your front leg arm upward as you take hold of the outside of your back ankle into Dancer’s Pose.


2. Lifted Bow (Dhanurasana)

1. Start similar to the Lifted Plank position, but position higher, hands-on shins (closer to the knees than to the ankles). 2. Hands will be on shins rather than ankles.


3. Wide-Legged Boat Pose (Paripurna Nava-Asana)

1. With your knees bent and far apart, your feet flat on the ground, your toes brushing your partner’s. 2. Before doing anything–visualise this: you’ll be taking Happy Baby Pose, sitting upwards, pressing your feet into your partner’s, then straightening the legs. 3. Reach between your legs to grab onto the hands of your partner.


4. Double-Side Plank (Vasistha-Asana)

1. Begin in preparation for the side plank facing away from each other (approximately 6-12” apart), “tops to toes”– feet will line up with wrists. 2. Press the lower hand to lift into the board as you extend your upper arm diagonally upwards to meet your partner.


5. Seated Cat-Cow (Marjaryasana/Bidalasana)

1. Remain seated and reach for each other’s forearms. 2. Maintain a firm grip as you release your shoulders down and back. 3. While inhaling, lift your chest up to the ceiling, allowing for a slight arch in your upper middle back.


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