Explore 5 Step Monsoon Hair Care Routine & Tips For All Hair Types
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5 Step Monsoon Hair Care Routine You Can Follow


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1. Comb your hair gently and remove all the knots, then apply some warm oil and massage your scalp thoroughly. Keep it overnight or at least for 2 hours.

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2. While washing your hair, wet it completely, take some shampoo and mix it with water and then apply. 

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3. The next step is to apply conditioner, choose a nourishing conditioner or hair mask, and apply only till your mid-lengths. 

4. Take a microfibre hair wrap or a cotton t-shirt to absorb all the water from your hair. Do not leave your hair wet. 

5. After your hair is somewhat dry, apply a hair serum for controlling frizz. And once your hair is dry using a wide-tooth wooden comb, comb your hair.