The Channel 46

5 Things Women Are Made To Feel Guilty About After Marriage

Women have long been made to feel guilty and ashamed in everyday  circumstances. Almost every facet of our way of life is geared for us to  either overthink or underplay. Society has a way of making us feel that  everything we do is wrong, from being too pushy to being too kind. Ye mat karo, wo mat karo. We live in a society that constantly dictates terms to women about kya sahi aur kya galat behaviour hai.  To punish us if we don’t adhere to their rigid and arbitrary norms, our  society has created these extraterrestrial codes of conduct for women.  As if living up to cultural ideals of an “ideal” woman were the only  goal in life for women because “log kya kahenge.”

5 Things Women Are Made To Feel Guilty About After Marriage

1. Getting A Job Greetings from the upside down. But instead of demogorgons, it’s your sasural.  If women prioritise their career over ‘womanly’ home responsibilities,  she is judged for not caring for her family. That she is selfish.  According to them, women’s primary objective in life should be to get  married, manage home, and look after children. People will also look  down on career-driven, single women. You see?

2. Earning More God forbid if she does! By giving up her dreams and aspirations, a  woman should support her husband. She must, at all costs, other than  accept a lesser position in her work because it is her responsibility to  stroke the weak male ego.

3. Putting Career Over Kids It seems like women are expected to give up their careers at any  cost. If not for their partner, then for their children’s sake. Who will  raise the children, after all? A man can’t be expected to do that, for  sure. The amusing thing is that women miraculously inherit this unspoken  obligation without much debate. The woman is made to feel extremely  guilty when she resumes her career after having children.

4. Not Wanting Kids Why does society make it mandatory for married couples to have  children? A couple must endure all kinds of enquiries about their family  planning shortly after being married. All of a sudden, everyone is  curious about their sex lives. What if the couple isn’t even interested  in having a child? Again, that’s not a choice if you want peace from  people.

5. Clothes They Wear Now, that’s always a raging debate the moment you step into your  teenage years. And it may intensify after you get married. While some  say, “Shaadi ke baad pati allow karein toh pehan lena”, others believe that women wearing clothes that are unacceptable for a pativrata naari do so to entice other men. Why would they ever dress up for themselves?  If she is teased, harassed it must have been her fault because you’ve  called it upon yourself?

The Channel 46

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