The Channel 46

5 Ways To Communicate You Love Your Newborn

Ever notice how your baby’s beautiful face—those chubby cheeks and sparkly eyes and that mischievous smile—is somehow more fascinating to watch than any Oscar-winning blockbuster? That’s no coincidence. The two of you are hardwired to thoroughly enjoy each other’s company. And if you follow your instincts and develop a great rapport now, you could set up a lifetime of stellar relationships.

Cuddling Together Ah cuddling. Again, there is nothing better even as adults. Who doesn’t love a hug from their partner, family member or friend? Well, babies are the same. They love the smell of their mom and her touch just as she loves this about them. They love the safety they feel in her arms. There are so many ways to cuddle, whether standing up, breastfeeding or bottle-feeding, and by playing little games that talk about eating toes, and noses and fingers, all playfully, of course.

Talking To Them A lot of moms at the beginning may worry that they are overwhelming the baby if they talk to them while doing household tasks, but over the years, research has shown that babies who listen and watch their moms talking about simple parts of their day, “Now I’m chopping up veggies for salad,” “Look, mommy is folding the clothes.

Bath Time Bonding Bath time is a great way for you to bond with your newborn baby. You and your baby will enjoy every second of it because it is a magical experience. The bubbles, the water splashing, the baby laughs or cries. You get the picture. Find a list of 5 top-of-the-line unscented baby wipes here. And find a guide to bathing your baby with different tricks and techniques here.

Tend To Your Baby’s Cry A great way to bond with your newborn is to attend to your baby’s cry. Every time your baby cries, he/she is signalling to you that he needs something from you. Whether that is needing a diaper change, another feeding or the baby needs to sleep. Your baby is relying on you to make him feel protected and cared for! This is your time to bond with your baby and show your baby love!

Form Little Routines Babies love repetition and routines. It gives them a sense of stability in all the chaos of life. By examining your baby’s expressions, movements, and reactions, you start to become the expert on her likes and dislikes – how she likes to be held and what sounds she responds to. Once you find something that works, make it a part of your daily routine. Interacting with your children is so important, and the kind of games you play matter, too.

The Channel 46

5 Ways To Communicate You Love Your Newborn