5 Ways To Prepare Your Firstborn For A Sibling

1. Breaking The News The Right Way It’s best that you talk to your child before someone walks up to them and says, “Aren’t you excited about having a new baby brother or sister?”

2. Start Preparing For A Change In Schedules Most kids have their mothers take care of them, accompany them or be a major part of their everyday lives. This changes when then the new baby arrives.

3. Draw Up A Game Plan As the due date gets closer, talk to your child about what will happen when mom (& dad) have to go to the hospital.

4. Welcome The “Help” When going baby shopping, hear out your firstborn suggestions. Ask for advice on which stroller looks fun, what toys to choose and even clothing. 

5. Recognise That There Is Life Outside the Baby It is natural for family, friends and guests to coo over the new baby and shower it with attention.