The Channel 46

5 Ways To Show Love To Your Newborn

Ever notice how your baby’s beautiful face—those chubby cheeks and sparkly eyes and that mischievous smile—is somehow more fascinating to watch than any Oscar-winning blockbuster? That’s no coincidence. The two of you are hardwired to thoroughly enjoy each other’s company. And if you follow your instincts and develop a great rapport now, you could set up a lifetime of stellar relationships.

Breastfeeding Baby Breastfeeding is one of the most intimate and wonderful ways to bond and connect with your baby. Babies are literally skin to skin with mom and are immersed in mom’s smell. This will automatically relax the nervous system. For the mother too, the hormones that release the breast milk cause her to be more relaxed, and feel beautiful as she nourishes her child in her arms, smells their little head. It’s also nutritionally beneficial as breast milk contains mom’s antibodies which keep the baby healthy and strong in the long run.

Close Facetime Talking and spending lots of time close to your baby will really help the bonding experience flourish. Babies who get personal attention like this from caregivers are more curious, happier and want to explore the world around them. It is also fun for the mom to have this time with her baby to talk, bond and do silly faces. Enjoying quality baby time means being there in all the activities they are doing and being present with them physically as well as spiritually and emotionally.

Sleeping Near Baby Sleeping near your baby builds a closer bond between mom and baby. It can be co-sleeping in the same bed or it can be a baby’s crib or bassinet next to the mom’s bed. The art of mom being near the baby, especially during those first six months, makes a difference in how the baby interacts with mom and how close the baby feels to mom.

Massaging Your Baby One of the best ways to become closer and bond is through a baby massage. Moms can be trained to do it, or even start by gently massaging the baby’s belly, arms and legs, or their back. Make this a regular part of the day so the baby can look forward to this as a special quality time. This is a great way to continue to build the mother-baby bond and for the baby to become more comfortable in their skin. Moms will come to enjoy this time as well with their little ones.

Look In The Mirror Together Your child doesn’t yet understand the concept of a reflection, but that’s okay. Babies love looking at human faces and this is a great way to get your baby up close and personal with his own being. Looking in the mirror will prove to be an interesting and new experience for your baby.

The Channel 46

5 Ways To Show Love To Your Newborn