5 Ways To Show Your Love For The Country

Independence Day

1. Understand The Rich History And Culture Read about the people, the languages, the art, the music and the literature. Indian culture is full of unique customs and traditions that are waiting to be explored.

2. Be A Good Ambassador Of Your Country We pride ourselves on ‘atithi deva bhavo’ (Guest is God), but sometimes we miss the mark of excellence.

3. Go Green This cannot be said enough! We are moving so fast into an era where things we take for granted, like water, will have to be rationed.

4. Fulfil Your Responsibilities Follow all rules made for the growth, safety and development of citizens of India. Do not indulge in any misdemeanour, like tax evasion.

5. Teach Your Children About India Get your kids involved in activities, watch the flag hosting with them and answer all questions they ask about India.