6 Essential Safety Tips While Considering Sex During Periods

6 Essential Safety Tips While Considering Sex During Periods

1. Be Honest And Open Be open to your partner about your needs and desires. Ask them to be honest with you about themselves


2. Don’t Shy Away From Condoms And Dental Dams In addition to lowering the chances of pregnancy during periods, condoms reduce the risks of STIs.

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3. Take The Tampon Out Remove your tampon before your partner penetrates. Reusable menstrual cups also need to be taken out.

4. Let The Flow Lighten Hormones are crazy by the third day of the menstrual cycle. Usually, flow decreases by this time.

5. Make Clean-Up Easy Keep dark-coloured sheets and towels (preferably disposable) handy to clean up after sex. 

6. Opt For Comfort Choose a more comfortable sex position when you are on your period.