6 Food Options Your Should Consider Including In Your First Trimester Diet When You’re Pregnant

6 Food Options Your Should Consider Including In Your First Trimester Diet When You’re Pregnant


1. Fish

Eat fish rich in omega-3 and low in mercury, such as salmon, herring, sardine, freshwater trout and tilapia. Fish is a natural source of omega-3 fatty acids, including Docosahexaenoic Acid (DHA), which help develop the foetus’s brain and eyes.

6 Food Options Your Should Consider Including In Your First Trimester Diet When You’re Pregnant


2. Dry Fruits, Nuts & Seeds

You can also have walnuts, soybeans (edamame, healthy plant-based protein), and sunflower seeds as these are good sources of omega-3.

6 Food Options Your Should Consider Including In Your First Trimester Diet When You’re Pregnant


3. Green Vegetables  

As always, include green leafy vegetables such as spinach, kale, and broccoli. These are all highly nutritious and excellent sources of vitamins A, C, and folate. They also reduce constipation in pregnancy and are essential for both the baby and the mother.


4. Eggs  

A perfect source of protein & fat, you can cook them in any way you want. Eggs usually have the nutrient choline, which averts any congenital abnormality related to the brain and spine in the baby.


5. Dairy Products  

Dairy products such as yoghurt are perfect for digestive health. Milk is highly nourishing because of calcium’s presence, and this nutrient is necessary for bone health.


6. Lean Meat  

Lean meat is rich in vitamin B, choline, iron, and is an excellent source of high-quality protein. The additional nutrients in them are all crucial for pregnancy, as mentioned previously.


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