6 Gift Ideas You Can Consider For This Parsi New Year

6 Gift Ideas You Can Consider For This Parsi New Year

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6 Gift Ideas You Can Consider For This Parsi New Year
Untitled design - 2023-02-27T172841.823

1. Wall Hanging Of A Parsi An impressive portrait of a Parsi gentleman or lady, dressed in traditional wear, will hold great meaning to your host on Parsi New Year.

6 Gift Ideas You Can Consider For This Parsi New Year
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2. Diary With Block Print Cover A utilitarian gift like a diary will never be left unappreciated by your host.

6 Gift Ideas You Can Consider For This Parsi New Year
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3. Zoroastrian Pendant Hmm… a nice idea for a host who is fascinated by jewellery and loves to dress up a little bit.

4. Assorted Dry fruits Platter A gift that will never go out of style and will always remain a favourite among all.

5. Books On Zoroastrian Culture For a host who loves to know more about his/her own culture or would like to be initiated to it, this is one of the best gifts that you can consider.

6. A Tea/Coffee Mug A very cliche gift idea but one that will always find use in the kitchen.