6 Tips To Prevent Stress Eating

Avoid Triggers Avoiding triggers refers to zeroing down on the emotional eating causes and finding ways to prevent those situations. Identifying what stress eating is the first step towards ending the vicious cycle of mindless munching. Avoiding triggers refers to zeroing down on the emotional eating causes and finding ways to prevent those situations.

Build Coping Mechanisms The most effective coping mechanisms are activities that really interest you. It could be anything that takes your mind off the want to eat. Once you know what triggers your unhealthy cravings, it is time to build coping mechanisms and come up with an emotional eating therapy plan that will help you fight these triggers. The most effective coping mechanisms are activities that really interest you.

Portion Control Training the mind to eat slowly, even while resorting to stress eating is a great way to consume less amounts of unnecessary foods. Stress causes a person to mindlessly gobble down huge amounts of junk food, leading to disappointment and guilt after the eating session. The brain has no time to understand and appreciate the texture, smell and taste of the food.

Find Healthier Alternatives The usual food choices for emotional eaters are greasy, processed and sugary foods. These foods are created and marketed in a way that encourages overeating. Finding healthier alternatives for food items and foods that relieve stress that the body craves when in stress is an effective way of managing emotional eating binges.

Maintain A Food Diary Keeping track of the food eaten in a day can help in understanding the deviations caused in one’s eating patterns due to stress and emotional factors. The food diary presents one with an opportunity to understand and document if the foods are being consumed for nourishment or for emotional reasons.