6 Yoga Asanas To Lower High Blood Pressure

1. Shishuasana (Child pose)  Child pose is beneficial for hypertension patients. It can give you relief from different factors which contribute to high blood pressure.

2. Vajrasana (Diamond Pose)  This pose can be done even after lunch or dinner. It helps to control obesity and increases blood flow to the lower abdomen.

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3. Shavasana (Corpse Pose)  Shavasana or corpse pose is meant for relaxation. This is one of the easiest poses which you can try to control your blood pressure numbers.

4. Sukhasana (Easy Pose)  It is a popular yoga asana that regulates breathing. This pose gives you relief from high blood pressure. 

5. Virasana (Hero Pose)  This asana is an incredibly simple and effective way of lowering high blood pressure.

6. Ardha Halasana (Half Plow Pose)  This asana helps control high blood pressure and also helps burn fat in the thighs, abdomen, and hips.