The Channel 46

7 Different Types Of Vagina Smells That Are Totally Normal & 5 Ways To Prevent Vaginal Odour

7 Different Types Of Vaginal Odour There isn’t exactly any specific smell that is normal because it varies from woman to woman and there are so many different types of vaginal odour. Many use words like ripe, earthy or even sour to describe their normal vaginal scent. 1. Tangy Or Fermented This is a very common odour. It is often compared to the smell of fermented food. Yoghurt, sourdough bread and even some sour beer contain the same good bacteria that dominate most healthy vaginas, which is Lactobacilli. This type of odour is normal. Cause: The pH of a healthy vagina is between 3.8 and 4.5 i.e. slightly acidic. The Lactobacilli keeps it acidic and that helps prevent overgrowth of all types of bad bacteria.

2. Like A Penny (Coppery) Sometimes people also report vaginal odour smelling coppery or metallic. It’s usually normal and nothing to worry about. Blood contains iron and it has a metallic smell. The most common reason for blood is your periods. During your period, blood and tissue shed from the inner uterine lining and travel through the vagina. Light bleeding after sex can be due to vaginal dryness or vigorous sex and this may also result in a metallic scent. This type of smell can also be due to some serious vaginal bleeding. This scent shouldn’t linger too long after your period. It’s best to see a doctor if you’re experiencing bleeding unrelated to your period and the scent lingers followed by itching and discharge

3. Sweet Like Molasses It’s a different type of sweet; more like an earthy, pungent and robust scent. A bittersweet or sweetish scent isn’t a cause of concern. Cause: The vaginal pH is an ever-changing bacterial ecosystem and that sometimes means a little sweet smell. 4. Chemical Smell An odour similar to bleach or ammonia could be a reason to visit the doctor sometimes, although it could also be totally normal. Cause:Urine: The urea in the urine causes a smell like ammonia. A buildup of urine in your vaginal area or underwear could cause a smell like that of ammonia.

5. Like Body Odour Or Smoked Herbal Earthly Scent There are sweat glands present down there which often is the reason why the scent is so similar to body odour. Cause: There are two types of sweat glands, apocrine and eccrine. The eccrine gland produces sweat to cool down the body and the apocrine glands respond to your emotions. The apocrine glands are present mostly in the armpits and the groin. Emotional stress of any kind can cause this type of smell. When you are stressed, the apocrine gland produces a milky fluid which when comes in contact with the vaginal bacteria in the vulva causes a pungent aroma.

5 Simple Ways To Get Rid Of Unpleasant Vaginal Odour 1. Adopt Good Hygiene Measures 2. Use Internal Menstruation Products 3. Consuming Probiotics 4. Avoid Wearing Tight-fitting Clothes 5. Cut Sugar & Boost Hydration

The Channel 46

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