7 Easy Tips To Store Pickles


1. Before you start preparing a pickle, sterilise a glass jar – the one in which you want to store the pickle.

2. Make sure the pickle stays submerged in oil to preserve it safely. 

3. Ensure that you wash and thoroughly dry the raw mango at the beginning, so that there is no moisture that may get transferred to the pickle, increasing the chances of it becoming mossy.

4. Use a thoroughly cleaned and dried knife while cutting the mangoes for the same reason.

5. Ideally, the jar should be filled till the top, after you’ve prepared the pickle, to eliminate the air present in the jar. This improves the chances of storing the pickle safely for a longer time.

6. Use a wooden spoon to scoop out the pickle and ensure that the jar does not have a metal lid. Metal tends to corrode and alter the flavours of the pickle.

7. Store pickle in a cool and dry place as dampness and humidity can adversely affect its taste and flavour as well as its shelf life.