7 Heat Stroke Prevention Hacks You May Want To Know About


1. Stay indoors, especially during the afternoons, when the temperature is soaring outside.

2. Try fitting in your fitness schedule early in the morning or after dusk, so you don’t physically exert yourself during hot and humid weather conditions.

3. Drink water and fresh juices at frequent intervals to prevent dehydration.

4. Wear loose, light-fitted clothes of breathable materials like cotton. Synthetic materials are a strict no-no.

5. Never leave children and pets unattended in a locked car, so there’s no scope for them to experience heat exhaustion.

6. Don’t miss out on lathering up on a broad-spectrum sunscreen or sunblock of at least SPF 30 even when you’re indoors. 

7. Wear a hat, cap, or scarf, or carry an umbrella before stepping outside.