7 Questions A Gyneac Explains Why It’s Normal If Your Panties Get Bleached Orange


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1. Why are there ‘bleached’ patches on one’s underwear, and what does it indicate?

Bleached patches on underwear are normal, especially when you are wearing dark panties. This is a good sign that your vagina is healthy. The primary reason for the same is the acidic nature of the vagina; its average pH value is somewhere between 3.8 and 4.5.

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2. What are some common myths about panties getting bleached orange?

Some common myths around underwear getting bleached are: – The discharge is a sign of bad hygiene or dirtiness – It has stemmed from a vaginal infection

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3. What are some remedies to remove bleach stains from one’s underwear?

Some remedies to remove panty bleach stains are: 1. Wash and rinse the underwear properly to prevent oxidation and to avoid the stain. 2. You may use Lemon juice or Hydrogen Peroxide on light fabrics.

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4. Can anything be done to stop this bleaching?

No, nothing can be done to stop the bleaching because it is a natural process. The fact that the vagina is acidic because of Lactobacilli does not change. In fact, the acidic nature of the vagina serves as protection from fungal and bacterial infections.

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5. How can one prevent discolouration of underwear?

As mentioned above discolouration of underwear can be prevented by the following: 1. Wash the underwear immediately and don’t leave it for washing the next day. 2. You can wear panty liners to prevent the stain.

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6. How can one know when a discharge is normal or not?

Remember, the normal vaginal discharge is milky and does not have an unpleasant smell; it is subtle.

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7. When should one be worried and visit a doctor?

If you are experiencing any of the above mentioned symptoms of infection, visit the doctor immediately. Or, if you are uncomfortable in any way, seek consultation to have clarity.

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