What Are The Different Stages Of Hair Loss (& Where Are You On The Scale?)

7 Stages Of Hair Loss - Which Stage Are You On?

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Stage 1 The hair fall at this stage is nothing significant. Hence, you wouldn’t notice this until you reach the advanced stages of it.

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Stage 2 Hair loss starts becoming apparent when you lose hair from around the temples.

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Stage 3 This is the first stage of hair loss where you start noticing the visible change, even alarm to a certain extent

Stage 4 At this stage, the lock of hair is restricted to a strip between the temples and the crown.

Stage 5 Here, the strip of hair that was there between the temples and the crown in the previous stage thins down further and becomes more sparse.

Stage 6 At this stage, the hair loss is significant. Complete disappearance of hair is referred to as Stage 6

Stage 7 This is the last and the most aggravated stage of hair loss, as defined by the Hamilton-Norwood scale.