7 Things You Should Never Say To A Girl On Her Period


1. Just look at the way you’re talking to me! The only thing you can do is to hold on to your patience, show kindness, and cut her some slack for these few days. Support her instead of snapping back.

2. Baby, I’ve heard sex now can be great. Broach the topic when she’s not on her period and see whether she’s open to the idea. And then, if she is, tell her to initiate the same while she’s menstruating.

3. You just ate!!! Treat her whatever dessert or snack she wants to get a hands on and she'll taken a note of you being there for her.

4. Would you be able to make plans today because…? She’s trying to get over whatever she is going through and making plans to go out, possibly to keep her mind off the niggling pain and irritation.

5. Buck up! Every slack in her footsteps, every mess she makes, every annoying reaction from her – she isn’t doing them deliberately.

6. You look like a mess! This is not the time when you should make her conscious of not being presentable, of not taking care of herself, not acting like an adult, because all of these sound blah to her.

7. You look fine…just look at yourself in the mirror. It’s apparent that you’re trying to pick her up but this ain’t gonna work during these days of the month.