The Channel 46

7 Things Your Mum Really Wants (More Than Gifts)

Mothers rarely have any demands and the ones that they do have are for your achchhai. They are selfless like no other, apart from fathers. Yet you seldom make an effort to put a smile on their faces. Gifts are not what they live for since it is all the small gestures from you that matter the most to them. This Mother’s Day, let’s make an effort to #BeALittleMore mindful of the immense role that she plays in your life. Here are 7 things that are likely to appeal to her more than the usual Mother’s Day gifts.

1. Some Me-Time

Give her the option to do whatever she wants to indulge herself – pursue her hobbies that she has long forgotten, plan a day out with friends or all by herself, or simply do nothing. Mothers run from pillar to post to make everything happen for the family (with a little bit of support from the papa, of course!) They are the soul of the family. From drying out the wet towels that you conveniently leave on the bed and searching for the possessions that were right there in front of you to being steadfast support whenever you need her – she is always there through it all. For her, it’s all about you, even if it is at the cost of her taking care of her needs. The concept of self-love and self-care does not exist for her because the well-being of the family is far more precious.

2. Someone To Take Over The Household Chores

Convince her that she has to prioritise herself over her family, at least for a day. This will probably be quite a challenge for you – to get your mommy out of the kitchen for one whole day! Even though they wish aloud that they look forward to some time out of all their household responsibilities, actually being able to do so is quite an impossible task. Because unlogon ke ragon mein hai. After all, they have been holding the reins of the household for ages and, all said and done, it is difficult to let go of it suddenly.

3. A Memory Box

Moms love old memories, like all of you do. And any photograph that has you in it is her absolute favourite. What You Should Do? Take her down memory lane with a collection of photographs of the most valuable memories – from your childhood, travel trips, etc. No brownie points for guessing that the photographs from your childhood and growing up years are those that she holds the closest to her heart.

4. A Spa Day

.…what better way to brush away all her physical and mental stress, decompress her body, detangle all the muscle knots, and offer a deep tissue massage than a spa day? A day at the spa is one of the ultimate forms of relaxation. And what better way to brush away all her physical and mental stress, decompress her body, detangle all the muscle knots, and offer a deep tissue massage than a spa day? What You Should Do? Book her a full-body therapy session at a reliable spa to treat her to a refreshing experience for the body and the mind. Along with aromatherapy to invigorate her senses and relax her mind, a spa day will give your mommy a self-pampering session that she totally deserves.

5. A Solo Sojourn

Select a place that has been on her list for quite a while and plan a trip just for her. Is your mom a sea person, a mountain person, or a jungle person? Or, does she not have a particular preference and appreciates nature in its complete glory and in all its forms? Select a place that has been on her list for quite a while and plans a trip just for her. What You Should Do? In case you are not sure about the place, ask her for her opinions without revealing your plan. It’s supposed to be a surprise, remember?

The Channel 46

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