7 Tips To Move On When Your Ex Already Has

7 Tips To Move On When Your Ex Already Has

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7 Tips To Move On When Your Ex Already Has
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1. Cutoff all contact & unfollow them on social media This is the first boundary that you set between yourself and your ex.

7 Tips To Move On When Your Ex Already Has
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2. Stop visiting places that remind you of him Once you’re done with cutting off ties with him on your phone and digitally, it’s time to do the same in the physical world too. 

7 Tips To Move On When Your Ex Already Has
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3. Indulge in self-love & self-care There is so much you’ve lost out on when you guys were happily dating each other. Especially the self-love and self-care part. 

4. Don’t settle for being “just friends” Don’t even entertain that thought. Because there are huge chances that you would want more & wish to make the relationship work. 

5. Avoid discussing your ex with mutual friends  It’s all about setting boundaries, like we’ve already mentioned before. 

6. Seek closure or therapy to help yourself move on Sit with yourself and ask what would give you closure, so you don’t keep on harping on the past time and again. 

7. Make peace with the past At the risk of sounding philosophical, jo hota hai, acche  ke liye hota hai! And you will realise this when you are in a happy phase of your life again.