7 Ways To Take Care Of Social Phobia

How many times have you felt nervous and jittery while in a social situation? Public speaking or interacting with strangers isn’t exactly a cakewalk for everyone. We humans are social beings, and we learn to face social situations with time. However, it becomes a problem when the intensity and frequency of this anxiety increase whenever we are a part of a social situation.

Social Anxiety, Often Mistaken As Shyness

Now, let’s not confuse social anxiety with shyness. Social anxiety cannot be seen in the light of shyness or introversion. Shyness is short-term and not as persistent and debilitating as social anxiety disorder. If you are shy, you are bound to get familiarised and comfortable with time in social situations. This is normal and doesn’t qualify as social anxiety disorder.

When Does Social Anxiety Happen And What Does It Feels Like?

Socially anxious people face a hard time when approached by strangers, speaking in public, meeting new people, and attending social gatherings. It stops them from building and enjoying cordial relationships with peers and colleagues. Some people find it quite okay to hold one-on-one conversations. However, addressing a group of people or being the centre of attention might seem like a nightmare to them. Being socially anxious is not a crime.

How Does It Feel Like Physically?

The intensity and extensity of the social anxiety symptoms are extremely subjective and varies from person to person. When put in stressful social situations, such people generally report increased heartbeat, musical tension, feeling lightheaded and dizzy, breathlessness, sweating, stomach trouble, and diarrhoea.

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What Causes Social Anxiety Disorder? Just like any other mental condition, falling under the anxiety spectrum, social anxiety disorder also arises from a complex interaction of biological and environmental factors. They may include: 1. Inherited Genetic Traits

Anxiety disorders generally run in families. However, it could also be a learned behaviour. Researchers are investigating to find out how much of it is genetic and how much is socially acquired.