7 Ways You Can Invest In The Health & Wellbeing Of Your Employees

World Day for Safety and Health at Work

1. Offering Sabbaticals  A sabbatical from work enables employees to take their mind off from hectic schedules, and start their work life on a clean slate or rethink what they want to do professionally.

2. Having Period WFH There are a handful of organisations that are taking note of it and implementing the same as a part of their company policy.

3. Tying Up With An Insurance Provider Making employees entitled to a health insurance policy is akin to investing towards their well-being.

4. Avoid Micromanaging It leaves little or no breathing space for employees, restricting them from focusing on the tasks at hand, compromising on the quality of work and affecting mental health.

5. Fostering Mental Health Breaks During Lunch Hour After you’re done with lunch, take some time out to indulge in activities that help you refresh your mind. Anything that helps you relax, keep calm, and start afresh.

6. Having Open-Door HR Policies Employees should be encouraged to and should feel comfortable in approaching the HR in discussing any work-related concerns.

7. Mandating Minimum Days Of Leave Per Year Per Employee Making a certain number of days every year compulsory for every employee to go on leave works wonders for their overall health.