8 Post-Workout Stretches That Are Beneficial For Your Body
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8 Post-Workout Stretches That Are Beneficial For Your Body


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1. Hip Flexor Lunge Stretch

This exercise is one of the important quad stretches that also targets the hips and glutes.

8 Post-Workout Stretches That Are Beneficial For Your Body
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2. Cat-Cow Stretch

Back stretches target your back muscles and can also relieve back pain. Stretching should target both your upper and lower body muscles and relieve stress from the body.

8 Post-Workout Stretches That Are Beneficial For Your Body
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3. Calf & Hamstring Stretch

This exercise targets your leg muscles and is great for calf stretches. Additionally, it also works on your hamstrings too.

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Catch up on more such stretching exercises by clicking on Learn More below