Best foods to eat for stronger and healthier nails

By: Akshita Gupta  For: Date: 21st March 2023

1. Include Protein in Your Diet: Protein is a crucial nutrient for nail health, and it helps to strengthen and repair nails. So, make sure to include protein-rich foods like eggs, lean meats, beans, and nuts in your diet.

2. Eat Foods Rich in Biotin: Biotin is a B-vitamin that is essential for healthy nail growth. Foods like eggs, almonds, spinach, and sweet potatoes are rich in biotin and can help promote healthy nails.

3. Consume Foods Rich in Iron: Iron is another essential nutrient for nail health. Foods like red meat, lentils, spinach, and tofu are good sources of iron.

4. Add Omega-3 Fatty Acids to Your Diet: Omega-3 fatty acids help to keep nails hydrated and prevent them from becoming brittle. Foods like fatty fish, chia seeds, and walnuts are rich in omega-3s.

5. Include Vitamin C in Your Diet: Vitamin C helps to produce collagen, which is essential for healthy nails. Foods like oranges, strawberries, and bell peppers are rich in vitamin C.

6. Drink Plenty of Water: Keeping your body hydrated is essential for healthy nails. Drinking enough water can help prevent nails from becoming dry and brittle.