Bhumi Pednekar's Hair Care Routine: Natural Remedies for Beautiful Tresses

– Fenugreek and Coconut Oil: Bhumi's secret for strong hair is fenugreek and coconut oil treatment.

– Avoid Over-Washing: Shampoo your hair only when necessary to preserve natural oils.

– Healthy Fats in Diet: Include avocados and fatty fish in your diet for shiny hair.

– Weekly Hair Masks: Apply a deep-conditioning hair mask at least once a week.

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– Loose Ponytails: Opt for loose ponytails or buns to reduce hair tension.

– Hydrate Your Scalp: Keep your scalp hydrated with aloe vera or hydrating serums.

– Henna Gloss: Try a henna gloss for subtle color and added shine.

– Trim Regularly: Schedule regular trims to keep your hair looking healthy and fresh.