Breast Care Tips You Should Know About


1. Maintain A Healthy BMI Make sure your Body Mass Index (BMI) is never over 23 throughout your life. Increased weight raises the risk of developing breast cancer.

2. Include Certain Fruits & Veggies In Your Diet Vegetables like cabbage, and broccoli, along with berries, cherries, tomatoes, & dark leafy veggies reduce the risk of breast cancer

3. Restrict Your Alcohol Intake Women who take more than two glasses of alcohol in a day are at a higher risk of being diagnosed of breast cancer.

4. Kick The Butt Smoking increases the risk of developing breast cancer and other health conditions of the breast.

5. Follow A Fitness Routine Exercise for at least 30 minutes a day and lead an active lifestyle.

6. Plan A Family Having a child before the age of 30 and breastfeeding your first newborn for at least 6 months slightly lowers the risk of developing breast cancer.