The Channel 46

Buzz 46: 6 Hits & Misses In The Evolution Of Menstrual Product Advertising Over The Years

1. Bleed Blue

Yeah, ‘bleed blue’ refers to our undying support for the Indian cricket team. You all know that. But you get the drift, right? Menstrual hygiene brands make menstruators bleed blue for reasons other than the context in which it is universally used for. Released in late 2020, this was India’s first sanitary napkin ad that showed the true colours of period blood:

2. The Subtle Politics Of Concealment

The practice of your pharmacy kaka wrapping up a sanitary napkin in a newspaper and then in a completely opaque black polythene has been done to death. The idea is to conceal, to hide from the world the perfectly natural bodily function that all menstruators experience every month.

3. Period Is Not A Disease

Menstrual hygiene ads are witnessing a paradigm shift in how they portray periods. Not only are these ads recognising menses as a natural monthly occurrence, but also respect how it is a different experience for each menstruator.

4. Role Of Men In Menstrual Product Ads

The ground mentality is gradually changing, the same gets reflected in the ads as well. The supportive role of fathers, husbands and other male members is essential for menstruators. Here’s the first advertisement where a male had an indispensable role to play:

Evolving Choices For Menstrual Products

With the lack of information surrounding tampons and menstrual cups, menstrual hygiene brands are taking a stride ahead to educate the urban masses about how it is meant to be used and bust some hilarious myths that do the rounds.

The Channel 46

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