5 DIY Hair Serums For Nourished, Frizz-Free Hair
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DIY Aloe Vera & Coconut Oil Hair Serum Recipe For Friz-Free Hair


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Aloe vera is blessed with antioxidant and antibacterial properties, while coconut oil keeps your hair well moisturised. 

Babosa Aloe Vera GIF

Babosa Aloe Vera GIF

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Rose water and vitamin E oil too offer hydrating and anti-frizz benefits, which are exactly what you look for in a reliable hair serum.

The Beautiful Rose Rose GIF

The Beautiful Rose Rose GIF

Ingredients – ¼ cup pure aloe vera gel – 2 tbsp coconut oil – 2.5 tbsp rose water – 1 tsp Vitamin E oil – 12 drops jasmine essential oil

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Camelli Oil For Cooking Camellia Oil GIF

1. Add the aloe vera in a grinder and blend it well. Add rose water, vitamin E oil, and rose water, and blend again you get a smooth mixture.

Blending Blender GIF

Blending Blender GIF

2. Pour this solution into a spritz bottle and then add the jasmine essential oil.

Test Spray GIF

Test Spray GIF

3. Give the bottle a good shake and the DIY serum is ready to be used.

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