DIY Coconut Oil & Olive Oil Hair Serum to Keep Frizz At Bay


The mask removes dirt and grime from the hair shaft which improves cuticle health, reducing frizz.

Looking for a homemade hair serum that’s perfect for hair straightening? This one’s just for you.

Ingredients – 3 tbsp coconut Oil – 3 tbsp soy Oil – 3 tbsp jojoba Oil – 3 tbsp olive oil

1. Mix all the ingredients till you get a smooth solution & pour it into a dark coloured spritz bottle. 

2. Place the bottle in warm water every time you want to use the serum. This will warm up the oils, thus enhancing their effectiveness.

3. Apply this from the roots to the tips of your strands and then comb your hair slowly, making sure there are no curvy strands.

4. Rinse it off with a mild shampoo.

Use this hair mask once every two weeks. Ensure that you use other conditioning hair masks during the rest of the week.