DIY Coffee & Honey Hair Serum For Frizz-Free Tressses


For this homemade hair serum for dry, frizzy hair, coffee is closely associated with strengthening your hair right from the roots.

Honey is a natural humectant that captures moisture from the air, making it available for your hair.

Ingredients – 4 tbsp coffee powder – 2 tbsp honey – 4 tbsp hot water

1. Take a small bowl and pour the coffee powder into it. Add honey and boiled water. Mix well to get a smooth paste.

2. Wet your hair a bit to make the application easier.

3. After applying it, let this stay on your hair for 15 to 20 minutes before washing it off with a mild shampoo.

Use this hair mask once every two weeks. Ensure that you use other conditioning hair masks during the rest of the week.