DIY Curd, Oatmeal & Honey Face Mask For Ageing


If you’ve been looking for a face mask to treat your premature signs of ageing like wrinkles and fine lines, this is just the DIY solution you should try.

Ingredients – 2 tsp dahi – 1 tsp of oatmeal – 1 tsp honey

Method 1. Add yoghurt and oatmeal to a mixing bowl. Let the oatmeal soak for about 2 minutes. Finally, add honey and mix the ingredients thoroughly to get a fine paste.

2. Apply a thick layer of the paste all over your face & neck & let this stay for 15 minutes or till it dries completely.

3. While washing off the mask with lukewarm water, gently exfoliate your skin with your fingertips through circular motions.

4. Once the face pack has been removed from your face entirely, splash cool water to close the open pores.