Do You Know The Pros &  Cons Of Barrier Birth Control Methods?

Sexual Health

Male Condoms  Advantages: Male condoms are by far the most effective among all birth control methods, not only for preventing pregnancies but for reducing susceptibility to STDs.

Male Condoms  Disadvantages: They often affect the enjoyment of sex. Some may also experience an allergy to latex. Not just that, slippage and breakage of condoms are also a possibility.

Female Condoms  Advantages: The female condom offers protection to the base of the penis and to the labia during sex. However, it isn’t as effective as latex male condoms in preventing STDs.

Female Condoms  Disadvantages: The lubricant used for female condoms does not comprise spermicide, a substance that destroys sperm.

Diaphragm Advantages: Diaphragms place women in complete control of their use. It can also be inserted in anticipation of intercourse, leaving no chance of a barrier control not being used in the heat before sex.

Diaphragm Disadvantages: Prolonged use of diaphragms on multiple instances of intercourse may increase the risk of UTI.

Cervical Cap Advantages: It is one of the safest barrier control methods irrespective of the number of times it has been used.

Cervical Cap Disadvantages: They can cause erosions in the cervix, which may lead to vaginal spotting. It may also increase the chances of toxic shock syndrome if left in the cervix for longer than it should be.