Does SIZE Matter In The Bedroom—Is Bigger Really Better? 


1. Bigger Doesn’t Mean Better  Larger than the average penises make you susceptible to infections and even injuries. To add to that, the bigger girth may cause tears during anal sex.

2. Smaller Doesn’t Imply The Absence Of It  All good things come in small packages, remember? Easier to handle and penetrate, and that too without the unwanted side-effects – pain and injuries.

3. Average D Size? What’s That! What’s the average size of a man’s package anyway?  Move over obsession over penis sizes and focus on the action instead.

4. Average D Size? What’s That! The truth is – size has nothing to do with the time of erection. Small one doesn’t necessarily mean it is a snail.

5. Size Doesn’t Dictate Fertility If you dream about having babies in the future, size doesn’t affect the results of baby-making sex.

6. Big D = ‘Oh NOOO…’ Moments  A not-so-big one ensures you feel at ease – a big step forward towards experiencing pleasurable moments in bed and outside.

7. Size Cannot Predict The Quality Of Sex It’s never the size of the package, it’s the technique and the effort that are the winners. Always.