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Everything You Need To Know About Polycystic Ovary Syndrome (PCOS)

Did You Know? According to the PCOS Society of India, 1 in 10 Indian women suffer from the condition. What’s more shocking is that a large percentage of these females are teenagers. Poor lifestyle habits are to be blamed for this surge as 80% of PCOS patients are obese.

Major Causes Of PCOS What causes PCOS are the high levels of the male hormones (androgens) in a female body. Although a female body is expected to produce a small amount of androgens, when they are overproduced, they result in cysts in the ovaries.

8 Common Symptoms Of Polycystic Ovary Syndrome (PCOS)

– Irregular periods – Infertility – Excessive facial hair – Heavy menstrual flow – Pelvic pain

Major Causes Of PCOS In Women

1. Hereditary: Research has proven that PCOS can be carried forward in a family through genes. If there is a history of PCOS in your family, you are at a higher risk of getting it. 2. Medical: Women with insulin resistance are more prone to having PCOS. Insulin is the hormone that causes the body to use the energy obtained from the consumption of sugar.  When a body cannot break down the sugar, the pancreas is forced to produce higher levels of insulin, which is a cause for ovaries producing more male hormones (androgens). 3. Lifestyle-Related: PCOS is more common among overweight women. The excessive weight could be a result of insulin resistance or an unhealthy lifestyle.

Medication For PCOS

Although there is no medical cure for PCOS, there are ways in which women can control and even reverse the effects of the condition. Using birth control pills helps women regulate their menstrual cycles to quite an extent and doctors also prescribe some supplements to some women in an attempt to regulate their hormones.

Food & PCOS The PCOS diet mainly aims at the consumption of foods that prevent a sudden spike in the blood sugar levels. Along with eating the right food, the women with PCOS are also advised to exercise regularly in order to shed the extra weight, which in turn can improve the symptoms of PCOS.

Best Foods For PCOS

1. Fresh fruits like apples, pears, kiwi, orange and bananas (especially berries). 2. Vegetables like cauliflower, broccoli and green leafy vegetables. 3. Good fats in the form of avocados, coconut oil, olive oil and dark chocolate. 4. High protein foods like beans, lean meat, fish and eggs.