The Channel 46

Expert Talk: Fresh India Organics’ Jenai Bilimoria Shares 7 Fundamental Truths About Going Organic With Your Food

1. Organic food is indeed healthier

Organic farming means growing food without the use of chemical fertilizers or pesticides. Organic food is therefore devoid of harmful chemicals that are found in conventional produce and which can be linked to a variety of diseases found across the food chain.

2. The benefits of organic food outweigh the need to justify the cost

Organic farming is more labour-intensive than conventional farming as each plant/tree needs personal attention to make sure they’re growing properly. Since there are no chemical fertilizers used in organic farming, plant/crop productivity cannot be enhanced by artificial means.

3. Organic food isn’t just good for your health, it’s good for the health of the planet too

Organic food is better for the environment in every way. As there is no use of chemical fertilizers and pesticides, there is no contamination of soil and the groundwater table. This improves soil fertility and reduces soil erosion.

4. You should check the label to see if your food is certified organic

There are 3rd party accreditation bodies that conduct yearly reviews of all activities – farming procedures, soil and water testing, packaging, storing and cleaning processes – and then issue an organic certificate if the standards set out by that country have been met for each of those activities.

5. Eating organic and eating local produce is not the same thing

Organic produce is grown without the use of chemical fertilizers and pesticides (locally grown food). Organic farming involves techniques such as intercropping, crop rotation, green manuring and composting (using neem leaves, cow dung, cow urine etc) and biological pest control

The Channel 46

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