Fitness Every Day: Katrina Kaif's Daily Workout Routine

1. Mix it up: Katrina Kaif believes in keeping her workouts varied to prevent boredom and to challenge her body. She mixes up her workouts with running, yoga, weight training, and Pilates.

2. Consistency is key: Katrina Kaif works out every day, without fail. She believes that consistency is the key to maintaining a fit and healthy body. She also suggests finding a time of day that works best for you and sticking to it.

3. Warm-up: Before starting her workouts, Katrina Kaif always does a warm-up routine. This helps to get the blood flowing and prevent injuries.

4. Cardio: Cardio is an essential part of Katrina Kaif's daily workout routine. She prefers running as it helps to improve endurance, burn calories, and tone the lower body.

5. Strength training: Katrina Kaif also incorporates strength training in her workouts to build lean muscle mass. She uses weights and resistance bands to target different muscle groups.

6. Recovery: Katrina Kaif knows that recovery is just as important as the workout itself. She practices yoga and meditation to relax and recharge her body.