The Channel 46

Foods That Boost Hair Health

A good hair day is every woman’s perfect shot of confidence. With our hair behaving just the way we want it, there’s a spark in our eyes and a skip in our step. With pollution and a hectic lifestyle, we need to answer a crucial question; how to take care of hair? For strong, healthy, lustrous hair makes us love ourselves a tiny bit more.

I. Fruits Good For Hair

Haven’t we all heard how important it is to include food in our diets since childhood? Remember our moms feeding us fruit salad in hopes of us finally consuming the fruits we refused to eat! Well, the truth is our moms were right. – Vitamin C in citrus fruits is extremely important when we talk about food for healthy hair. It produces collagen which build capillaries that pass on nutrition to our hair. Fruits like oranges, sweet limes and grapefruits are great sources of vitamin C. 

II. Eat Some Meat

Non-vegetarians will be delighted to know that a lot of seafood and meats are great for hair. When most people talk about food for healthy hair, they end up skipping on a major food group; meat. We bring you even more reasons to eat your favourite non-veg food. – Salmon (raavas), mackerel (bangda) and herring are all fish types that work wonders for your hair. Rich in healthy omega-3 fatty acids, protein and vitamins, eating fish makes your hair shiny and healthy. Oysters and prawns are great sources of nutrients that promote hair growth.

III. Vegetables Good For Hair

While we are on the topic of food good for hair, vegetables simply can’t be ignored. Those of us who found new and unique ways to avoid eating veggies in childhood will happily eat them for healthy hair. – Green leafy vegetables have been ground zero for all mother-children fights. But these veggies are rich in nutrients that are vital for hair nourishment. Spinach (palak) and methi are high in iron. It is an essential mineral that makes our hair stronger and lessens breakage. Spinach juice is the most beneficial option.

IV. Grain & Nut Nutrition

Indians use a variety of grains and nuts in their everyday meals. Grains, beans, pulses, and nuts are great sources of nutrients that are vital for healthy hair growth. – Nuts and seeds are packed with healthy omega-3 fatty acids and vitamin E. This ensures that your hair grows healthy and happy. Opt for walnuts and almonds and try adding roasted flaxseeds to your meals. Sunflower and melon seeds are great as well. If you use chia seeds, soak them beforehand. – Get your daily dose of iron, zinc and vitamin B from whole grains, beans, and pulses. They contain biotin which promotes hair growth.

The Channel 46

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