Guide On How To Use A Menstrual Cup & Different Folds You Can Explore


1. Wash your hands thoroughly with water and a disinfectant before reaching out for the menstrual cup.

2. Read the direction of use that is likely to be printed on the packaging of the cup and follow the instructions carefully.

3. A menstrual cup has two distinctive parts – the bell-shaped part known as the cup and the narrow step that makes it easier for you to remove it easily.

4. Fold the top of the cup while inserting it into your vagina. There are various methods you may

C-Fold or U-Fold: Push the rim of the menstrual cup closer, such that it looks elongated. Next, fold it into half to make it resemble the letter “C” or “U”.

7-Fold: Push the rim of the cup together to make the period product take the shape of a long oval. Now, fold one of the sides diagonally, so it resembles the number 7.

Punch-Down Fold: Place a finger anywhere on the rim of the cup and nudge it towards the centre of the product, closer to the narrow stem. It should now take the shape of a triangle.