How To Go Gluten-Free With An Indian Diet

What is gluten intolerance and what are its signs?

Gluten Sensitivity or Intolerance is a condition that causes a person to react after ingesting Gluten, a protein found in Wheat, Barley and Rye. When one is Gluten Intolerant, there’s inflammation in the linings of the small intestine, resulting in compromised nutrient absorption, leading to leaky gut on chronic irritation. A chronic inflammation causes a heightened immune reaction.

How can one live without the staple chapatis in the Indian Diet?

The Indian diet has a lot of variation for anyone who has to be on a Gluten-free diet. Chapati can easily be replaced by roti or bhakri made of Jowar, Bajara, Ragi, Rice or Amaranth seeds. Chapati can be replaced with rice preparations like Pulao, prepared Curd Rice, Khichdi,  etc.

What are some other reasons you may choose to be gluten-free? (like PCOS, Diabetes, weight loss, gluten-free grains)

There is evidence that a Gluten-free diet may have a role in reducing Leptin and Insulin Resistance, thereby reducing adiposity gain and inflammation. Most of these are animal studies, the effect of Gluten-free diet in humans are still uncertain for Diabetes and Obesity.

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