Kareena Kapoor Khan's Sanctuary of Calmness: Embracing Meditation in a Hectic World

1. Create a dedicated space: Designate a peaceful corner or room in your home where you can practice meditation without distractions.

2. Set a consistent schedule: Establish a regular meditation routine, even if it's just a few minutes each day, to cultivate a sense of calmness and make it a habit.

3. Start small: Begin with shorter meditation sessions and gradually increase the duration as you become more comfortable and experienced.

4. Focus on your breath: Pay attention to your breath as you inhale and exhale, using it as an anchor to bring your mind back to the present moment whenever it wanders.

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5. Practice mindfulness: Engage in mindful meditation, observing your thoughts, emotions, and sensations without judgment, allowing them to pass by like clouds in the sky.

6. Explore guided meditations: Utilize resources like guided meditation apps or recordings by Kareena Kapoor Khan to help you stay focused and deepen your meditation practice.

7. Embrace consistency over perfection: Remember that meditation is a journey, and it's okay to have days when your mind feels restless or distracted—consistency is key.

8. Extend mindfulness to daily life: Bring the awareness and peace you cultivate during meditation into your everyday activities, infusing them with mindfulness and a sense of calmness.