Learn All About Intermittent Fasting Including Benefits, Types & Diet

One method of losing weight that has been making waves off late is intermittent fasting. This diet is not a diet at all. So what is intermittent fasting really? It is a weight management mechanism which tells you when to eat, not what to eat. Like other popular forms of diet, intermittent fasting is hardly a new concept. Indians have been practising fasting since generations.

9 Must Know Benefits Of Intermittent Fasting

1. The fasting period causes the body to make use of its fat reserves, causing fat loss 2. While other forms of diet restrict the intake of certain foods, following intermittent fasting means that the body gets all the nutrients it needs, preventing any kind of deficiency 3. This method does not result in muscle loss like other methods of weight loss do. On the contrary, when people eat bigger meals during the feeding hours, keeping a healthy level of muscle mass becomes possible 4. Intermittent fasting causes the insulin levels in the body to go down, preventing chances of ending up with type 2 diabetes

4 Major Types Of Intermittent Fasting A lot of people wonder what is intermittent fasting and what are the different ways to do it? Intermittent fasting can be done in various ways. Though the basics remain the same, people can choose their intermittent fasting schedule on the basis of their goals and endurance. The various types of Intermittent fasting are:

1. Hour Specific

The most commonly used pattern for hour specific intermittent fasting is the 16:8 hour pattern. This means that the individual fasts for 16 hours each day and gets an 8-hour window to eat all the meals. Once people get the hang of it, most people start to change their schedule by trying to further cut down the feeding window as much as they can. It Is not uncommon to find people who move on to the 17:7 or even 18:6 pattern of intermittent fasting.

2. Day Specific

This kind of intermittent fasting is for people who have been doing it for an extended period of time and are comfortable with long hours of fasting. They then move on to fasting for days together. On the days of the fast, very minimal numbers of calories are permitted, usually between 400-500. One way of doing so is to eat all meals for 5 days a week while fasting for 2 whole days. One can also choose to fast on alternate days while eating all meals every other day. Some people pick one day in a week and fast the whole day.

3. Meal Specific

in this kind of intermittent fasting, people choose to forego one big meal each day. This meal could be breakfast, lunch or dinner. Skipping one meal increases the gap between two meals, putting the body in fasting mode.