Martial Arts, Weights, and Cardio: Disha Patani's Unique Fitness Regime

1. Mix it up: Disha Patani's fitness routine is not limited to one form of exercise. She combines martial arts with weight training and cardio to keep her workouts interesting and challenging.

2. Focus on strength training: Weight training is an essential part of Disha Patani's fitness regime, and it helps her build muscle mass and strength. Focus on compound exercises like squats, deadlifts, bench press, and shoulder press to work multiple muscle groups at once.

3. Incorporate martial arts: Disha Patani is a trained martial artist, and she incorporates elements of different martial arts styles into her workouts. Martial arts can help improve your agility, balance, and coordination.

4. HIIT it: High-Intensity Interval Training (HIIT) is a favorite of Disha Patani, and it helps her burn fat and improve her cardiovascular fitness. Incorporate HIIT workouts into your routine to challenge yourself and boost your metabolism.

5. Fuel up: To maintain her fit and toned physique, Disha Patani eats a healthy diet that includes plenty of protein and nutrient-dense foods. Make sure to fuel your workouts with healthy and balanced meals.

6. Consistency is key: Disha Patani works out consistently and sticks to her fitness routine even when she's busy with work. Consistency is key to achieving your fitness goals, so make sure to prioritize your workouts and stay committed to your routine.