The Channel 46

Possible Symptoms, Challenges & Treatment Methods For Cystic Fibrosis Among Women

The thick and slippery mucus blocks passageways and tubes carrying digestive enzymes from the pancreas to the small intestine. The lack of these enzymes make it difficult for the intestines to absorb the valuable nutrients from the food. This results in the following: 1. Weight gain 2. Poor growth 3. Intestinal blockage, especially among newborns 4. Foul-smelling, greasy stools 5. Severe or chronic constipation

5 Digestive Symptoms Of CF

6 Respiratory Symptoms Of CF

The sticky mucus typical to cystic fibrosis can plug the tubes that specialise in carrying air in and out of the lungs. This can lead to symptoms like: 1. Wheezing 2. Inflamed nasal passages or a stuffy nose 3. Recurrent sinusitis 4. Persistent cough that produces thick mucus, known as sputum 5. Exercise intolerance 6. Frequent lung infections

Cystic Fibrosis In Women Both males and females can get affected by cystic fibrosis. About half of the patients diagnosed with this condition are females. However, they experience worse outcomes than males till the age of 20 years. Post that, women and men experience almost equal outcomes. Here’s how CF can affect women. CF & Puberty – Girls with CF may hit puberty comparatively late than other girls without the medical condition – Vaginal discharge in girls with CF is thicker, which may be a side-effect of the prescribed medications. This is normal

4 Possible Cystic Fibrosis Treatment Methods CF is not curable yet. However, there are various treatment methods that can help in keeping its symptoms under check. These treatment options are:

1. Medications Medications aim to thin the mucus, open airways, help the body absorb nutrients from food, and prevent infections. – Antibiotics: These may be prescribed to treat or prevent lung infections and enable the organ to function efficiently. – Bronchodilators: These relax and open the airways.

The Channel 46

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