Priyanka Chopra's Secret to Healthy Eating: Everything in Moderation

Priyanka Chopra's Secret to Healthy Eating: Everything in Moderation

Priyanka Chopra's Secret to Healthy Eating: Everything in Moderation

1. Keep a food journal to keep track of what you're eating and how much.

Priyanka Chopra's Secret to Healthy Eating: Everything in Moderation

2. Use smaller plates to trick your brain into thinking you're eating more than you actually are.

Priyanka Chopra's Secret to Healthy Eating: Everything in Moderation

3. Try to make healthier versions of your favorite comfort foods.

4. Don't skip meals or starve yourself, as it leads to binge eating later.

5. Limit your consumption of processed and packaged foods.

6. Practice mindful eating by eating slowly, savoring each bite, and being present in the moment.