Sexual Dysfunction Treatment Options

Sexual Dysfunction Treatment Options

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Sexual Dysfunction Treatment Options
Untitled design - 2023-02-27T172841.823

1. Treat The Root Cause Of The Medical Condition Most cases of sexual dysfunction are treated by addressing the underlying physical or psychological cause of it.

Sexual Dysfunction Treatment Options
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2. Medication If an existing medication is the reason behind your sexual dysfunction, stopping it would be  a relief.

Sexual Dysfunction Treatment Options
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3. Mechanical Devices Introducing a vibrator into your bedroom action may work well in adding some variety in your sexual chemistry.

4. Sex Therapy Sex therapists double up as excellent marriage counsellors, helping you work on sexual intimacy that is evidently lacking in your relationship.

5. Behavioural Treatments If fear, sexual abuse, or traumatic sexual history is the cause behind your sexual dysfunction, you need to delve deep into what’s troubling you.

6. Psychotherapy A professional counsellor can assist you with a sexual trauma from your past, helping you address it from its core.