Sonam Kapoor's Perspective: Challenging Society's Expectations of Money and Self-Worth

1. Embrace your own definition of success and don't let societal expectations dictate your worth based on material possessions or financial achievements.

2. Focus on personal growth and fulfillment rather than constantly chasing external validation or comparing yourself to others.

3. Cultivate a healthy relationship with money by understanding its value as a tool for security, freedom, and pursuing your passions, rather than a measure of your self-worth.

4. Challenge traditional notions of success by pursuing your passions, regardless of financial gain, and finding joy in the process rather than the outcome.

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5. Surround yourself with a supportive community that values your authentic self and encourages you to explore your unique talents and interests.

6. Practice gratitude and appreciation for the non-material aspects of life, such as relationships, experiences, and personal growth, as they often bring more lasting fulfillment than material possessions.

7. Prioritize your mental and emotional well-being over the pursuit of wealth, recognizing that true happiness comes from a balanced and fulfilled life, not solely from financial achievements.

8. Inspire others by living authentically and challenging societal norms, demonstrating that self-worth should not be defined by money or external markers of success, but by one's character, values, and contributions to the world.