The Benefits Of Baking Soda For Hair 

Beauty  Nuskhe

1. Rids Your Hair Of Build-Up Baking soda works wonders in exfoliating your scalp. Replacing shampoo by a baking soda routine will cleanse your hair without stressing it out.

2. Clean, Chemical-Free Product Baking soda comprises all natural ingredients, sodium bicarbonate, that does the job without leaving behind any harmful side-effects.

3. Treats Dandruff Baking soda treats dandruff right from the roots, unlike shampoos that only remove the flakes from the surface of your scalp.

4. Acts As A Coolant For Your Scalp Baking soda balances the pH of the scalp by preventing the scalp from producing excess oil or sebum. This keeps the scalp clean and cool.

5. Controls Scalp Allergies However, baking soda eases the irritation and pain that accompany these skin conditions and allergies.

6. Acts Like A Dry Shampoo Baking soda works well as a dry shampoo by soaking in all the excess oil. Just sprinkle a little amount of this soda and experience the wonderful results for yourself.