The Best Dog Food For Your Fur Baby

Humans and dogs share a special relationship; anybody who owns a pet dog would vouch for it. Remember Akshay Kumar’s movie Entertainment? Just like that movie, our fur babies have taken the lead role in our lives and we want to give them the best possible treatment. Whatever you do for them, they always reciprocate their unconditional love and loyalty which is heart-warming. If you’re worried about choosing the best food for your pets, fret not because we’ve got you covered! Get the answer to all your questions about canine nutrition by experts.

1. Know the essential nutritional requirements for dogs

Julia says’ “Dogs need certain nutrients as we all do – for dogs they are a bit different than for humans of course. Dogs need protein in their diet to thrive. Even though dogs can survive on a purely vegetarian diet, a species-appropriate diet can not be only vegetarian. The diet doesn’t have to be perfect, just adding some dehydrated treats or bones to chew, eggs, bone broth or anything that’s possible to conjure up is a good step. Contrary to common belief dogs do not need grains. Carbs are only required as about 2% of the diet for a dog!”

2. Dogs have a hard time getting the nutrients out of plant-based foods

Julia says, “A dog’s digestive system is very different from that of a human or of an animal that is meant to eat a plant-based diet. The reason this is important is something we call ‘bioavailability of nutrients. Dogs have a hard time getting the nutrients out of plant-based foods.

3. Make sure you know what is in your dog food

Georgina says, “While choosing dog food, always read the labels. Read what the ingredients are and make wise choices on what to feed your dog. Most commercial dog foods claim to have adequate protein, however, there are loopholes around these claims. Ingredients like corn and soy are not considered nutritious for dogs and a lot of food brands have corn and soy as fillers.

4. Feeding style depends on the dogs’ activity levels and lifestyle

According to Georgina, feeding quantity and time generally depends on various parameters, “Meal quantity has to be decided based on age, health condition, activity levels and weight. Some dogs might require higher protein content in their diets and some might require reduced protein quantity. Puppies generally require more nutrients for growth and higher calcium content. Older dogs might require more protein and additional supplements to support health conditions that develop with old age.

5. Food rotation is best for your furry baby

“Best is rotation and variety and as much whole foods as possible- if you have to feed processed foods try to go for some with better ingredients and try to rotate the brand often. Also, provide plenty of water and make sure to add natural probiotics to the diet to help your dog’s tummy deal with the high amount of carbs and starch in processed foods. If you can, always add some real foods to the diet, whether home prepped or from trusted brands like Canine India”, shares Julia.