The Channel 46

The Ultimate Step-By-Step Guide To Yoga Asanas For Women

3 Yoga Asanas To Regulate Blood Pressure 1. Shavasana (Corpse Pose) Corpse pose is a pose that can instantly relax the mind and body. It is great for reducing stress, battling anxiety, decreasing fatigue, curing insomnia and reducing headaches. This pose is helpful in lowering the blood pressure, making it ideal for people suffering from hypertension. Method: – Lie down on your back. – Keep your feet hip distance apart and your hands by the side of your body. – Your palms should be facing the sky. – Relax in the pose while you breathe consciously, shifting your awareness to all parts of your body one by one.

2. Paschimottanasana (Forward Seated Bending Pose) Obesity is a very common cause for blood pressure conditions. This forward seated bending pose is great for weight loss. It improves digestion and reduces excess fat from the abdominal region. If practiced regularly, this pose is sure to help with fatigue and anxiety issues that are commonly seen amongst women with low blood pressure. Method: – Sit down on the mat with your legs stretched out. – Inhale as you raise your hands. – Bend forward and try to touch your toes with your fingers as you exhale. – Aim to rest your forehead on  your knees. – Stay in the pose for 20 seconds.

3. Balasana (Child Pose) 📷 Child’s pose is a practice that calms the body and brings about a sense of peace and serenity. It helps in regulating blood pressure because it can reduce fatigue and stress while improving blood circulation in the body. Method: – Kneel down on the mat. – Let your hips rest on your heels. – Gradually start to bend forward. – Stretch your hands and place your palms facing down on the mat.

3 Yoga Asanas For A Healthy Heart 1. Sukhasana (Easy Pose) Sukhasana is one of the easiest and comforting poses for heart health. It is also known as the easy crossed-legged position. Practise Sukhasana for 5-10 minutes daily to improve your breathing and keep your heart fit. It also helps in channelising your breathing and relaxes the body. Method: – Sit on the ground and cross one leg over the other. – Keep your spine straight (use a pillow to support your back if needed). – Inhale and exhale deeply focusing on your breathing.

2. Tadasana (Mountain Pose) Tadasana is the most basic pose of yoga. The spine maintains itself in the neutral (natural) shape which is why the asana, despite being very simple, leads to multiple benefits. Often Tadasana acts as the base pose, to begin your yoga journey. It aids in the development of abdominal muscles and reduces stress. It straightens the spine and improves breathing and balance over the body. Not just that, it also plays an active role in Improving circulation over blood vessels and enhances blood flow to the legs, allowing increased circulation to your heart.

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