Tips To Prevent Diseases Typical During Monsoon

Monsoon Health Tips

Monsoon is the best season for insects to thrive. While it is good for them, it is definitely bad news for you

1. Do not let water accumulate on pools, puddles, potholes, coolers, planters or anywhere it might be exposed. Stagnant water is breeding grounds for mosquitoes.

2. Always carry an insect repellent.

3. Cover all doors and windows with screens or netting to keep insects out.

4. Darker clothes attract bugs. So prefer light clothes this season.

5. If mosquitos thrive in a puddle near you, pour oil on the surface of the puddle to prevent them from breeding.

6. Citronella, lemongrass, chia seeds (sabja), holy basil (tulsi) are some excellent natural insect-repellents; you can use them as essential oils or incense.